Friday, October 30, 2009

Pray the Swine Flu Away

I got lost in the " energy" of the crowd and ended up in fear of the flu. Don't get me wrong, I intend to take precautions, however instead of fear I will have faith.
Dear God, please take away this Swine Flu........ remove or transform it so that it leaves.
If we believe all that was said in "The Secret" - that we create our reality, that our thoughts are more powerful than we know, then we need to change our thoughts.
Mass hysteria will not do anything except feed the energy of the flu. So from this point on I choose to be aware, but not panic !!
I pray that my family is healthy enough that they get through this time. In fact my daughter has already had this flu and although she said it was the sickest she can remember being, she got through as did her daughter.
So let us take this to a Spiritual level and pray that we do our part and ask God to do God's part.

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