Friday, August 14, 2009

Terry Gill

This is my friend Terry Gills' art ....... he has a series he call Spirit Posters and this is one of them. I will upload a few over the next while.
Lord knows I am not painting at this point.
He is my teacher, my friend and a great support!!
I am grateful for those who Spirit sends my way .... and I am grateful that I have learned to live a life that I am peaceful in. ( for the most part)
I just remembered I do have a small collage I can scan and upload ............ need to do more of those, find my niche in that arena.
I have been walking daily and napping daily and wonder if the two are connected, cause I do not seem to have a problem sleeping again at night.
Day 62 if staying away from foods that trigger me into "more" and more is a dis-ease. Oh we must long for the Great Comforter instead of looking for comfort in other people places and things.

1 comment:

Artist Terry Gill said...

Hey thanks my friend _ you are always an inspiration